Developer thoughts...

Well its been a tough couple of months, but the end of the project is finally somewhat in sight. (2 levels left to do and a final level with a boss in the end, i will update the front page to show what specifically is left other than that)

Currently my biggest issue is that i have no Music and no idea on how i could get some, i might have to search for some commercially usable music from other creators or potentially find a person willing to compose a couple of easy looping gameboy style chiptune tracks for the game... No idea yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Another big change will be the fact that Phonegap build is unfortunately shutting down, this means that i will have no way to build the apps for android that i export from Construct 2. (Shutting down October 1st)

I have already started looking into an alternative and will be practicing it and seeing if i can make it work, because it i can't it would absolutely suck since i spent so much time on this project and i wouldn't be able to release it to my target platform in the end...

Another option would be to get Construct 3 since it has a built in exporter, but not only is there the issue of potential troubles with switching game engine, there is the fact that Construct 3 is far more expensive for an indie game developer (100 euros a year is really expensive when the games aren't generating any profit currently, while Construct 2 was a Lifetime license which is a lot easier to save up to)

Just wanted to drop some quick developer worries disguised as "thoughts", i can only hope for the best from here on since i would really like to follow this as a career but right now its definitely not feeling like a high despite being so close to the end of development.

Get Horoscopicus

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